제품 설명: |
Ultrasound Machine
CMS600C Mobile Convex Ultrasound Scanner
Scan mode: Electronic Convex/Electronic
Linear/Electronic micro-Convex
Probe Frequency: 2.0MHz~10MHz
Display mode: B, 2B, B/M, M, 4B
Gray Scales: 256
Monitor: 12"High-resolution SVGA(14"option)
Resolution: Lateral: <2mm Axial: <1mm
Measurement: Depth≥220mm
Zoom: X0.8, x0.9, x1.0, x1.1, x1.2, x1.3, x1.4, x1.5
Bodymarks: 35
Cine loop: 192 Frames
Image storage: Built-in memony, storage by usb disk
Probe connector: 2
Image Processing: IP setections: 4-steps
Frame averaging: 4-steps
Lineav averaging: 2-steps
TGC adjustment: 8-segment
Image Reversing: Left/Right, UP/Down, Positive/Negative
Measurements: Measurement: Distance, area/perimeter, vo
(ellipsemethod), angle, ratio, heart rate, EF slope and interval in M mode
Extensive software packages:
OB: GS, GRL, BPD, HC, AC, FL, and EDD by LMP;
GYN: Uterus, left/right ovary, endometrium;
Urology: Bladder, left/right kidney, prostate;
Cardiology: Left atrium, left/right ventricle, mitral
Valve and pulmonary valve, etc.
Display: Date, Time, ProbeFrequency, Frane Rate, Patient name, Hospitalname,
Zoom, Body marks, Full-screen elit
Power Supply: 110-220V
Dimensions: 400mmX360mmX260mm
Standard Configuration: Main Unit(IPC)
2.5-5.0MHZ Convex Probe(IPC)
Option Parts: 6.0MHz FRANSVAGINAL Probe
7.5MHz Linear Probe |